Art is Not a Choice; It’s a Leak
Nature Doesn’t Care, Neither Should Artists.
7/25/20242 min read

Art is a tornado.
It tears down all the neat little structures, leaving behind a mess that's the new ground for more buildings destined to get flattened even harder. Art isn't some polished product; it's a byproduct of living. It doesn't pop up because of art schools or shiny supplies from your local store. It's not a career or a choice.
So, what is it then?
Art leaks out, on its own. Humans create things involuntarily, just like nature. Nature's leaks—water, fire, dead stuff—aren't for us. We use them for cooking, drinking, and eating, but nature doesn't care.
It's not thinking about us.
It doesn't have favourites.
It just is.
Now, back to art. Art speaks its own language, but words mess it up. Our brains can't handle just visual info. Words pin things down. Art should capture the fluid essence, but just for a moment.
Strip away the titles, meanings, intellectual crap, and it starts dancing for your eyes.
That's what art's supposed to do—hit your eyes and straight into your heart. The brain shouldn't be in the way.
The leftovers—the devoured flesh and mutilated remains—are pure, animalistic art if you ignore morals and aesthetic training.
Dadaism aimed for the absurd but got stuck in making it a daily ritual. I despise those cozy cafe sessions where they talked about Dadaist endeavours. It's like the operation was successful, but the patient died! They were supposed to embrace irrationality. Critics rationalizing the irrational?
Absurdity can't be born and die on schedule. It sneaks in, stays for a moment, and then dies off. It suffocates with persistence and gets allergic to sense-making minds. Finding irrational depths isn't the job of rational minds. It's like finding darkness with a flashlight.
Picasso tried to paint like a child later on, but he forgot that kids don't think about being kids. They just are, until adults tell them otherwise.
Forget titles. Forget meanings.
If adults vanished, kids would still be kids and then disappear. But before they go, they'd create pure absurdity, the unconcerned majesty of pure creation. Without adult influence, they might achieve it.
'The' Master Piece.
Even with adults around, kids show the potential for absolute absurdity.
That should tell you something.